
Year 1

Milestone# Milestone name Work package# Lead beneficiary Means of Verification Due date (month) Status
1 HV SiC switching cell designed and tested WP4 UBREMEN Tests results in specs 9 Achieved
2 Preliminary Design Review of High Voltage Technology choices WP3 DeepC Proof of concept with small scale prototypes 12
3 Long-term testers upgraded to facilitate the higher voltage WP4 UBREMEN Tests up 15kV validated 12

Year 2

Milestone# Milestone name Work package# Lead beneficiary Means of Verification Due date (month) Status
4 Splitting method optimize WP2 II-VI Split Substrate re-use for epi growth 15
5 MFT design complete WP5 SuperGrid Institute Specification        sent         to            subcontractors      for manufacturing 24

Year 3

Milestone# Milestone name Work package# Lead beneficiary Means of Verification Due date (month) Status
6 Manufacturing feasibility WP3 DeepC Flowchart process checking 26
7 Converter Prototype ready for testing WP6 SuperGrid Institute Completion of the assembly and control commissioning 33

Year 4

Milestone# Milestone name Work package# Lead beneficiary Means of Verification Due date (month) Status
8 Optimised Converter Prototype ready for testing WP6 SuperGrid Institute Completion of the assembly and control commissioning 45